Sunday, August 26, 2012

Toyota Designed Gameboard in Illustrator

I was comissioned to produce a gameboard for Toyota. This gameboard was to illustrate the emotional journey when going to buy a new car. Also, there were included cards that were used to show resources you would use with iphones and ipads.

The whole project took around 5 hours to complete start to finish, including the revisions.

Wocketfone Introduction Animation Reel

I did this animation in Flash as an introduction for a company named Wocketfone. The entire concepting, storyboard, background layout, and animation was done in a matter of 5 days start to finish and I am pretty pleased with how it came out.

The idea behind Wocketfone is how to strategically use mobile and social platforms to enhance your business. They were a pleasure to work with too!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Recent Concept Artwork

So my newest direction in Art is pointed to creating a backstory for a fantasy story. It involved the setting of Magic the Gathering cards, but is with my own original characters. So far I think I've nailed the antagonist, but I will also include some other creations to include along the way!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Gaming Infographic

This is the first infographic I ever created and although I'm not the most savvy at graphic design, I will say that I like the way it turned out! Hopefully someone out there digs it and will hire me for stuff like this :COUGH: atif :COUGH: